Pre and post operative exercise therapy, why?
To prepare yourself for any upcoming surgery to your shoulder, hip or knee, it is advisable to undertake a structured pre-operative exercise therapy program under the watchful eye of one of our health professionals at Mead Physio Group and Exercise Right & Rehab. A critical aspect of pre-operative exercise therapy is to recover lost movement, strength and balance so that you go into the operation as good as you can. This makes the recovery process go much smoother and accelerates your recovery.
Following surgery, pain control is critical to allow early healing movement and then strength. Surgeons usually only give basic early advice to their patients after surgery and either leave the rest to the patient themselves or leave it with the patient to find their own therapist.
Establishing good early repour with our exercise therapists from Mead Physio Group and Exercise Right & Rehab, will take the guess work and worry out of your upcoming surgery and recovery.
To start the journey with us, please call our physio (9293 1800) or rehab studio (65001555).