Award-winning ONERO™ Program for Osteoporosis

Post updated on November 27th 2024 by Mead Physio Group


We are very excited to introduce the new ONERO™ Program for Osteoporosis.

With official certification, we are one of four providers in WA and the only one in the Perth Hills area.

Led by MPG physiotherapist Ned Brennan, the award-winning, evidence-based ONERO™ exercise program for those with osteoporosis incorporates:

  • Supervised weight-bearing sessions
  • Balance and resistance training exercises
  • Falls prevention routines
  • Functional assessments

In addition, Ned will be running free ‘Understanding Osteoporosis and Osteopenia’ education sessions where there is interest. If you would like to know more or register your interest, please email us at

About the Program

ONER️O™ - The award winning evidence-based exercise program for osteoporosis.

A growing body of scientific evidence has demonstrated that ONERO™, supervised, bone-targeted high intensity resistance and impact training, reduces osteoporotic fracture risk in postmenopausal women and older men with low to very low bone mass. The evidence-based ONERO™ program improves bone, muscle, and physical function and is safe for people with low bone mass when supervised.

  • ‍Includes fall prevention exercises: The risk of osteoporotic fracture is greatly increased in people who fall. ONERO™ training includes exercises to improve balance and thereby reduces osteoporotic fracture risk both by improving bone and reducing falls.
  • ‍Functional assessments: We recommend a number of simple functional assessments before beginning ONERO™ so effectiveness can be monitored. These tests form part of a vital strategy to track real world safety and effectiveness of the ONERO™ program in the larger research program underway at The Bone Clinic.
  • ‍Fully supervised: The safety of the ONERO™ program depends on clinical assessment to recognise co-existing conditions so that the program can be implemented without risk of injury or exacerbation of existing conditions. A hallmark of the ONERO™ program is a requirement for close supervision by allied health professionals. Only coaches with the appropriate clinical training and expertise are permitted to deliver ONERO™ to people living with osteoporosis.
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