Proudly supporting the Pickering Brook Football Club

This year we have jumped onboard with the Pickering Brook Football Club (PBFC) and we are excited to be working with their team!
With a strong focus on life-long health for the local community, we look forward to sharing our knowledge specifically regarding pain management, injury rehabilitation, injury prevention, fitness and strength.
Specialising in care throughout your whole health and fitness journey, the team at Mead Physio Group will be supporting PBFC in many ways including:
  • Information on injury prevention and management for players/personnel – first steps when an injury occurs and recognising when an injury needs attending to
  • Pilates classes for males and females of all ages - 45 minutes of fun and rewarding hard work at your level!
  • Footy ready program specifically for female athletes – with a focus on injury prevention
  • Runners and First Aiders program – stretch classes and information programs to be prepared if injury occurs
If you are part of the PBFC and would like to contact us regarding any of the above services/programs, please phone 08 9293 1800, or email
To find out more about our community involvement and partners, please visit