The persistent swollen ankle

After an ankle injury, swelling is a common occurrence around the ankle, indicating an active inflammatory process. Not only is this uncomfortable, but ankle swelling also restricts movement and accelerates changes, particularly soft tissue thickening and bony arthritis. If you experience prolonged ankle swelling, it is crucial to bring it under control and reduce it as soon as possible.

A firm compression bandage and foam support serve as an excellent starting point. Elevating and actively moving your ankle can help disperse the swelling. A short course of anti-inflammatory medicine may also be beneficial for some individuals. Moreover, the GAME READY cold compression therapy machine has proven to be highly successful and can be utilised at our Exercise Right & Rehab Studio (ERRS) under the supervision of our team.

GAME READY uses a combination of a pressure cuff around your ankle along with ice water to reduce the vascular reaction. The therapist can adjust both the pressure of the cuff and the temperature of the water flowing through it. This cost-effective treatment is currently utilised by several hospitals in Perth for patients who have undergone surgery to reduce swelling and mitigate the risk of blood clots

For more information and to schedule a consultation with our therapy team, please contact ERRS at 08 6500 1555 or email

To find out more about the GAME READY system, please click here.