Annette Riberi

Remedial Massage Therapist

Dip. Remedial Massage Therapy

With over 5 years’ experience as a Remedial Massage Therapist, Annette’s favourite part of her job is seeing a client she has been working with, gaining a better range of movement, less pain and functioning normally.

Annette has previously toured the world as a Western Australian State Champion of figure skating with Disney in Ice(!!) but now calls Perth home, where she enjoys time with her family, walking the dog, going to the gym and meditating.

Remedial Massage Therapy plays a vital role in a patient’s healing journey and Annette shares her word of advice…

“When something doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t. Don’t put off pain, the sooner you can have treatment, the quicker you will heal. Sometimes all it takes is a few sessions of massage or physio to get you back on track. Massage reduces stress, pain, tension, improves circulation, lowers heart rate, blood pressure and improves immune function.”