B.App.Sc (Physio), M.App.Sc (Sports Physio), Grad Dip Manip Therapy, Grad Dip Psychological Studies APAM APA registered Physiotherapist
Jason is the principal physiotherapist at Mead Physio Group with over 20 years experience in sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapy. He has been a team physio for Olympic Basketball and Volleyball teams, the Adelaide Football Club (The Crows), and Commonwealth Games athletes.
Jason holds Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) accreditations in Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Clinical Pilates and Acupuncture and is highly regarded in his field. He regularly lectures to doctors on the GP Training Program and he has been a guest lecturer to universities throughout Australia. His area of special interest is chronic pain management and spinal manipulation.
With his wife Wendy, they have two daughters, Evie and Ruby. Jason enjoys swimming, riding, sail-boarding and overseas trekking.